EVENTSthe Grand conseil dU vin de bordeaux,CommanderIES, Wine brotherhoods


October 6, 2020

Commanderie de Bordeaux in Paris - Autumn Gathering 2020

Maître Henri Guiraud informs us that unfortunately the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Paris is having to postpone its Autumn Gathering in 2020.  A future date will be decided.

This splendid event, with an official induction ceremony followed by a gala dinner, will be held in the prestigious setting of the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, 33 rue Faubourg Saint-Honoré. 

Winegrowers of honour who will be special guests at this evening reception are Florence Cathiard from Château Smith Haut-Lafitte and Augustin Belloy from Château Beauregard.  

At this occasion, two new Commandeurs will receive their induction. Their names are : Mr Olivier L. Seigneur et Mr Arnaud Georges Féty

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