EVENTSthe Grand conseil dU vin de bordeaux,CommanderIES, Wine brotherhoods


November 8, 2021

Commanderie de Bordeaux in Vienna: Induction Ceremony & Gala event, on Friday 5th November 2021 & a press article in "Vinaria" Magazine

Maître Chrisitan Hauer

After we had to reschedule our event three times, the Grand Chapitre of the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Vienna finally took place on Friday November 5th 2021, at the Palais Todesco in the City of Vienna.

Despite the coronavirus-related restrictions, all of our guests enjoyed the evening very much.

The photo shows, from left to right : our new Commandeur Hannes Winkler, inducted that evening, Maitre Christian Hauer, accompanied by Peter Hidasi and Peter Kurtz, members of the Conseil Privé.

Commandeur Adi Schmid, star of Austrian gastronomy for more than 30 years, wrote an article about this Grand Chapitre (induction ceremony and gala dinner) in the magazine "Vinaria".   

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