Veranstaltungenthe Grand conseil DU VIN DE BORDEAUXCommanderIES, WINE brotherhoodS


January 8, 2021

Commanderie de Bordeaux in Wuhan - An evening reception on 7th December 2020

Here is a message from Mrs Ji SHE – Maître of the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Wuhan

“We appointed Mr HUANG Lei as Vice-President of our Commanderie and he has been in charge of our branch in Changsha since 2016. 

Our Commanderie currently links two cities : Wuhan and Changsha. Thanks to the help of Mr Huang Lei, our branch in Changsha has developed considerably over the past 3 years and has been able to withstand the upheavals of Covid 19. 

In order to bring together all of our Commandeurs, we organised an evening reception in Changsha on 7th December, after 12 long months of silence. It was a joyful evening with 52 participants present."

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