Veranstaltungenthe Grand conseil DU VIN DE BORDEAUXCommanderIES, WINE brotherhoodS

Wine Brotherhood Events in AOC Lalande de Pomerol in 2019. Note these dates in your diaries!

January 4, 2019

Les Baillis de Lalande de Pomerol

Wine Tasting for professionals
in collaboration with the magazine Terre de Vins 
at Le Lancaster in Paris, 
24th March 2019 

Primeurs Wine Tasting
at the Grand Hôtel Intercontinental  in Bordeaux
2nd and 3rd April 2019 , from 4pm to 9pm 

Musik à Pile
9th April 2019
at the Rocher de Palmer in Cenon 

Open Days in the Appellation
27th and 28th April 2019 

du 13 au 16 mai 2019 

Fête de la Fleur celebration
with the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Wallonie and the Maroilles Brotherhood 
29th May to 2nd June 2019 

Musik à Pile Festival
from 7th to 9th June 2019 

Libourne Wine Festival
from 23rd to 25th June 2019 

(Photos taken from the book "Lalande de Pomerol, Histoire d'une Appellation" by Quentin Salinier).

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