Veranstaltungenthe Grand conseil DU VIN DE BORDEAUXCommanderIES, WINE brotherhoodS

Wine Brotherhood Events in 2019

January 6, 2019

Les Compagnons de Bordeaux

In January 2019, the Compagnons de Bordeaux celebrated Saint Vincent’s day in Sauveterre de Guyenne and took part in the Saint Vincent fête organized in a different location each year by the Local Council Community of Saint Loubès (this year in Cailleau, on 27th January 2019)

At the end of July 2019, SAUVETERRE celebrates its wines. We will make numerous inductions as Vigneron d’Honneur.

Les Compagnons de Bordeaux will hold their 53rd event of the Ban des Vendanges on 8th September 2019.

All year long, Les Compagnons de Bordeaux hold exceptional inductions ceremonies on request from local councils or various associations and also take part in events organized by Wine Brotherhoods, always holding high the banner of Les Compagnons de Bordeaux.

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