the Grand conseil du vin de bordeaux
CommanderIES, wine brotherhoods


January 8, 2021

Commanderie de Bordeaux in Auckland, New Zealand - Events 2020 and Programme 2021

Benoît Marcenac, Maître of the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Auckland, New Zealand, sends us this message : 

"Despite the disruptions experienced in 2020, the Commanderie has had the opportunity to actively showcase a great variety of Bordeaux wines, in partnership with top quality hospitality venues. Our last two events at the O’Connell Street Bistro in July

and La Marée-Sofitel in November

have been outstanding and extremely well attended. In addition, at our own pace, we have significantly grown the Commanderie through the anointment of 16 remarkable Commandeurs of diverse personal and professional backgrounds. Last but not least, our sound financial situation is enabling us to build-up an exciting cellar which will be an asset for our future events!

Having celebrated two years of existence in September 2020, we are still a young organisation. As part of our growth, there is a key focus to better communicate about “who we are” and “what we do”. To do so, we have almost finalised the creation of our dedicated website which will be launched very soon. Also, we have elaborated an annual calendar of events which mirrors the traditional wine festivities within the Bordeaux region. It will be a great tool for our supporting guests to pencil down well in advance the events they are interested in. 

Here is our calendar of events for 2021 : 

Bordeaux, toujours Bordeaux  !"
