
波尔多骑士团总团  骑士团 兄弟会


January 7, 2020

Harby Kreeger, Jr., Maître of the Commanderie de Bordeaux in New Orleans, passed away on 3rd January 2020

Commanderie de Bordeaux in New Orleans
3rd January 2020 

Dear Fellow Commandeurs,

It is with profound sadness that we must report to you that our Maître, Harby Kreeger, Jr., passed away this morning after a courageous two-year battle with cancer. His tireless work and dedication for our New Orleans Chapter of the Commanderie de Bordeaux over the past 30 years has been truly remarkable --- and, he will be sorely missed as our leader and as our friend.


Wayne Forman, Chambellan     

HughCollins, Régent.
