ÉvénementGrand conseil DU VIN DE BORDEAUX 
Commanderie, confrérie, BORDEAUX


Lundi 07 Mars 2022

Un article de presse britannique valorise les vins de Bordeaux

Mike Turner, journaliste spécialisé vin, a publié sur le site de The Buyer un article sur « Bordeaux Cultivons demain » et les initiatives durables mises en place au sein de la filière des vins de Bordeaux. Une très belle valorisation des démarches des viticulteurs bordelais!

The Buyer est l'une des sites les plus influents de l’industrie des boissons (tendances du secteur, analyse des produits, plateformes de partage numériques…). Cet article fait suite au dossier de presse RSE envoyé à l'issue du Forum Environnemental et Technique, organisé par le CIVB le 7 décembre dernier.

Consultez cet article écrit (en anglais) par Mike Turner  ICI

Voici un extrait : 

New Bordeaux initiative puts CSR at front of sustainability drive 

The wine industry in Bordeaux has a lot to live up to. Its status as arguably the most famous wine region in the world, and by far the biggest employer in the Gironde region of South-West France, brings great responsibility. The drive for a sustainable future includes loud calls for greater biodiversity and increasingly ecologically sound practices in vineyard and cellar. New initiatives coming out of Bordeaux, in particular Bordeaux Cultivons Demain, show an acute awareness that sustainability also needs to include the entire supply chain, with all stakeholders required to play their part in the social responsibility.

By Mike Turner February 13, 2022

“Château Lagrange is one of a handful of producers investing and researching the use of exoskeletons to strap to the vineyard workers to reduce the toll of muscles and joints during the arduous processes or planting, pruning, and harvesting,” writes Turner.
Through my company, Feel Good Grapes, I run private and corporate wine tastings and events. By far the most recurring theme that clients have brought up over the last two years has been the question of sustainability in the wine trade. This is true especially in the corporate tastings, as every client-facing industry in the world is currently trying to prove their own sustainability credentials in the face of consumer demand.

Consumers increasingly want that ‘feel good’ factor of knowing that their purchases or choices are contributing positively. Confusion, however, is rife on what sustainability really means. When asked, my very basic definition of sustainability is “if your company is still going to be doing what it’s doing now in 100 years’ time then you’re on your way.” That’s all well and good for me in a consumer tasting to get drinkers planted with a vague notion, but producers and stakeholders very obviously need a firm definition and one that truly reflects the challenges they face.

Definition of sustainability

The wine world is dotted with sustainability definitions across the globe. Most of these are compiled and then administered by the wine industry in that region or country, with famous examples in New Zealand or California. In France, however, the government has laid down its own definition; the Haute Valeur Environnementale (HVE) or ‘High Environmental Value’. Assessed across three increasingly progressive levels, it is the basis for all sustainable practices in French agriculture and is being widely adopted in all French wine regions.

With those defined parameters it makes it easier to then promote and push individual vignerons to achieve certification. Winemakers and grape growers of Saint Émilion, for example, must be at HVE Level 2 by 2023 to use the name of the famous appellation on their labels. You need to have achieved HVE Level 3 to apply for either Exceptionnel or Supérieur in the recently reintroduced Cru Bourgeois rating system.

There is, however, a slight problem with using a set of defined parameters designed to cover all agricultural businesses. It excludes the industry-specific and regional-specific issues, especially for regions like Bordeaux where the wine industry clearly needs to incorporate sound Corporate Social Responsibility strategies. It’s that point that such initiatives like Bordeaux Cultivons Demain are attempting to remedy.

Consultez en entier cet article écrit (en anglais) par Mike Turner ICI

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